Housing for students at the ºÚÁÏapp campus is provided through the FHSU Gateway program. For further information, please contact our Student Experience Coordinator at 785-623-6166.

Residential Life, FHSU, 126 McMindes Hall-785.628.4245

The Residential Life Office provides several types of housing from traditional residence halls to apartments as well as family housing on the FHSU campus. If you are interested In living in one of these types of housing, just visit the Residential Life Office located in 126 McMindes Hall and complete a housing application.

Food Service (Chartwells), FHSU, 128 McMindes Hall - 785.628.4476

No meal plan? You can still use the Memorial Union food service or the McMindes Cafe with cash, credit, debit, or Flexi Cash. Flexi Cash is a declining balance system that works just like cash, except the more you purchase, the more we give you for free. That’s right, you get FREE money just buying Flex! Cash and these dollars can be used at any Dining Services location In the Union, Including Pizza Hut, Mondo Subs or Starbucks Coffee.

Parking, FHSU, 112 Custer Hall- 785.628.5304

Parking Permits are required beginning the first day of classes for any vehicle parked on campus between 7am & 8 pm, or 24 hours a day in the residence hall lots. Purchase a permit at the Center of Public Safety, located in Custer Hall.