A wide range of accommodations and services are provided to students with documented disabilities. Reasonable accommodations including academic support services and auxiliary aids are provided to allow students with disabilities an equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from educational programs. Accommodations will be provided on a case-by-case basis determined by student request, documentation, intake interview, Educational Accommodation Plan (EAP) team, and assessment of individual needs and course requirements.

Accommodations may not fundamentally alter the nature of the program or activity, lower academic standards, present undue financial or administrative burden on the college, or pose a threat to others or public safety.

Reasonable accommodations/services may include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Testing (extended time, reduced distraction testing environment, use of calculator, test reader and/or scribe)
  • Note-taking assistance (second set of notes, power point slides, and/or other visual aids provided)
  • Alternative text
  • Recorded lectures
  • Sign Language Interpreter
  • Preferential seating
  • Alternate furniture
  • Large print exams, handouts, signs, etc.
  • Telecommunications devices
  • Use of Assistive Technology
    • Assistive devices available for use on our campuses include a laptop, iPad, large print keyboard, reading pen, noise cancelling headphones, video magnifier and reader, and a digital recorder. Select items are available to be checked out through the Resource Center on the Beloit campus.

To that end, accommodations/services at NCK Tech do not include:

  • Special classes or programs for students with learning disabilities
  • Evaluation or diagnostic testing for students with learning disabilities
  • Separate or special tutorial programs for students with disabilities
    • Although not individualized as an accommodation, tutoring and other support services are available on both campuses to all students.
  • Personal services (personal care attendants or personally prescribed medical devices)

Students may obtain specialized support services (transportation, tuition, textbooks, hearing aids, etc.) from other resources such as Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VR).

Students are encouraged to make timely and appropriate disclosures and requests, at least two weeks in advance of a course, program, or activity for which an accommodation is requested (or as soon as realistically possible) to allow adequate time for accommodation services to be set in place. Students can choose to self-disclose at any time, but accommodations are not retroactive.

NCK Tech is committed to student success; however, we do not require students to use accommodations. The decision of when to utilize approved accommodations or available services, if at all, is up to the student, not the college. Integration, self-advocacy and individual responsibility are promoted and expected.

If at any time throughout the academic year, a student feels that the agreed upon accommodations are not being followed or that alternate accommodations need to be provided, the student should notify Student Accessibility Services (SAS) staff.


All information regarding a student’s disability is confidential. In order to provide effective services, it may be necessary to communicate limited information on a need-to-know basis regarding disability-related needs to NCK Tech faculty and/or staff. The Director of Learning Resources will provide an Educational Accommodation Plan (EAP) to Instructors that will only provide information that applies to the accommodations a student needs but not information about the disability itself.

Students are encouraged to communicate with their Instructors regarding their disability and classroom needs as they feel comfortable though.

If you have questions or would like more information regarding accommodations and support services at NCK Tech, please contact Student Accessibility Services staff:

  • Jayme Owen, Dean of Student Success, may be reached at 1-785-738-9037; jowen@ncktc.edu; or by mail at NCK Technical College, 3033 US Hwy 24, Beloit, KS 67420.